Yes certainly
The Cactus Jack BBQ Smoker is the most versatile BBQ in the hemisphere
You can grill directly:
- Directly in the Firebox with the Inox grid delivered with the BBQ
- Directly in the Main Chamber with the Inox grid supplied with the BBQ (we recommend to use the especially produced and offered 16″ and or 20″ charcoal Grill Grids if you want to cook in the main Chamber in order to have a superb airflow underneath and a good glow or fire under the grill racks)
- With the adjustable height grill rack system over the Firebox (with this optional device you can even alter and change the height of the grill rack over the glow and fire in the firebox and you can select beetween using to grill and cook on an Inox Grill Rack or a Lava Stone or a Sizzling & Searing Plate or even in a WOK with an Inox plate