Yes certainly
The Cactus Jack BBQ Smoker is the most versatile BBQ in the hemisphere
You can grill directly:
Not at all. With the Cactus Jack you have all options available for quick grilling or indirect grilling, for example. Indirect grilling is the fastest method because you don’t even have to wait for embers to glow. A steak is ready in 15-30 minutes (depending on the thickness).
First I take enough time, because the more time I give myself, the better it gets (like in the kitchen). Then I take a large piece of meat, not small ‘cold cuts’ which could easily fall between the grill grooves. The BBQ smoker must be fired and the temperature must be available (a cold pan cannot cook either).
The ideal BBQ temperature is 120 ° C and if possible only use dry and well-stored hardwood (from the farmer e.g. beech or other hardwood) the greater the piece of meat is all the easier when barbecuing Rule of thumb: approx. 1 hour of barbecue time per 1 kg Put the most important and largest part in the middle of the main chamber and everything that needs more temperature all the way to the right in the main chamber (watch out for flames) Fish and other things that need to be cooked carefully should be placed in the middle or to the left or, if available, in the smoke tower.
The longer a large piece lies in the BBQ Smoker, the better it becomes enemy: No time and too much heat or flames which can easily reach the grill friend : Lots of time, lots of friends and the whole family and everything on the BBQ Smoker and have some drinks ready and enjoy and the second cut piece will taste even better (leave large pieces in the BBQ and cut continuously e.g. for the 2nd plate or the lookup).
Cactus Jack is actually both of them, with a Cactus Jack you can:
Well this is a) a very good and important question and b) a very difficult question
To be able to provide a quality recommendation we would first need to know what are you looking for and what do you want to cook and how do you want to cook and how do you like to cook
Most people buy the same thing as they did see at a friends home or by recommendations which is great but a detailed questionary and analysis is needed to provide the right recommendation.
Frist a so called BBQ is usually a Grill so direct grilling (with any heat source as charcoal or gas or electric or even wood) and this is not BBQ. Most people like to use the word BBQ because it sounds better and everybody is using this term
By definition BBQ is low temperature indirect wood long term cooking
A direct grill is fast and a gas grill is even faster as a charcoal grill and therefore if the fast readiness of the heat source is very important it is a clear go for gas
If somebody wants direct but a bit fire atmosphere a charcoal grill is good
if somebody wants to cook large pieces or wants to get a lot of taste and wants to cook carefully keeping all vitamines you must reduce the temperature and you must cook indirect and best with wood as only there you add flavour (this is why charcoal and or gas grills recommend wood chips to be added to get more taste to the charcoal grilling)
A Smoker is not only a Smoker you can Grill and BBQ and Smoke so a 3 in 1 unit
If somebody likes or even loves outdoor cooking you need ideally several grills and several heat sources and you can select like this depending what you want to cook and how you want to cook and what result you want to achieve you select the BBQ
Myself i usually have 4 per house (there is a certain limit by my most loved wife not more than 4 units per house – luckily i have 2 homes a vacation place and a main place – like this i got 8 BBQ’s)
I have obviously at each house a smoker and a gas or an outdoor gas cooking station, an outdoor electric BBQ with Ceramic fields, wood pizza oven (small) and for fast cooking 1 kg in 10 min a Beefer what else
If i want to cook 1 kg of Beef Filet i usually use the Gas grill for convenience and low temperature cooking does not really add much to the filet as the meat is already the top quality you can not really improve the qualilty much there is only the ‘danger’ to destroy the quality with the wrong cooking method. In aprox. 30 minutes the Filet is ready of course rare or maximum medium rare for the respect of the animal please)
A Salmon i can only BBQ with wood in a smoker the so called semi cuit BBQ Salmon (the Swiss Hotel school did many years told me this is the professional name for what i was doing with the salmon). Skin on the half of the salmon and skin down and in 50 min prior the protein (the white pearls start to pop out of the salmon) take it and serve it – there is no better way of salmon out door cooking if you like it humid and not dry and still a bit rare inside and flavour and color outside
A Prime Rib large piece never under 3 kg best 6 kg or more can only be gently cooked on a BBQ Smoker
A Ceramic BBQ cooking stly which recently entered Europe (this is by the way a very old Asian and Eastern outdoor cooking method) can cook almost everything.
You need to learn and spend some time and best a cooking class till you really discover and know everything how to use the unit perfectly but also a great way to cook
Well this is really up to you but please allow us to answer this question by providing a bit more back ground info’s as follows:
Actually everything.
Your imagination could at most only narrow the spectrum.
The Cactus Jack can actually do everything. He is excellent at many things like barbecuing like fish & meat & vegetables. He is a master at things like smoking fish or game. It can also prepare also other things like dessert, for example pineapple or bananas or a cake. Enjoy!
A BBQ smoker is a low-temperature cooking device that can be fired with wood or high-quality charcoal and, more recently, with pellets.
The Cactus Jack is the best smoker which was first manufactured and sold in Europe.It has been made in Italy with love and culture for over 25 years.
He is a multiple winner of countless BBQ championships worldwide.
He is the father of all BBQ smokers made in Europe, who imported and successfully sold the best and first smoker (this created the term & culture BBQ smoker in Europe, which was affectionately known as ‘OKI’ from the USA) over 27 years ago.